Opioid Addiction

Family Medicine, Weight Loss, Men's Hormone Replacement Therapy & Substance Use located in Oklahoma City, OK

Opioid Addiction

Opioid Addiction services offered in Oklahoma City, OK

About 3 million Americans experience opioid addiction, making it one of the most challenging medical crises in the country today. At Anibal Avila M.D., a leading internal medicine practice in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, dedicated physician Anibal Avila, MD, offers compassionate support for opioid addiction. He can prescribe medications to help you transition off opioids while guiding you through lifestyle and health changes that improve your quality of life. If you’re ready to free yourself from opioids, call the office or book your appointment online today.

What is opioid addiction?

Opioid addiction is physical and mental dependence on opioids, a class of drugs derived from or mimicking substances within the opium poppy.  

The best-known opioids are prescription pain medications like hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, and codeine. But illicit drugs like heroin are also opioids. 

Opioids have powerful effects because they work on opioid receptors in your nerve cells, blocking pain signals. They’re highly addictive and often abused because they produce a euphoric high alongside blocking pain. 

How does opioid addiction happen?

In many cases, opioid addiction starts with an injury or surgery. Doctors may prescribe opioids to manage severe pain in those situations, but only for short-term use. 

Unfortunately, opioids are so highly addictive that many people grow dependent quickly and seek additional opioids even after they’re no longer in pain. Your body quickly grows accustomed to opioids, so it takes increasingly larger doses to achieve the same effects.

When do I need help for opioid addiction?

Opioid addiction isn’t always easy to recognize because you might believe you’re taking opioids purely for pain relief. But, several signs may indicate you’re growing dependent on them, including:

  • Powerful cravings
  • Taking more than prescribed
  • Running out of pills before the month is over
  • Taking pills “just in case,” even when not in pain
  • Frequently counting pills and trying to ration them
  • Behavior changes
  • Sleep pattern changes
  • Poor decision making
  • Mood swings

Opioid addiction can be challenging. If you try to stop, you could experience stomach cramps, irritability, insomnia, muscle aches, and sinus issues.

Opioid addiction treatment can help prevent these symptoms so you can discontinue the medication safely.

What is the opioid addiction treatment process?

Dr. Avila works with you to help you comfortably recover, giving you the best environment for success. While every person’s recovery journey is unique, many patients use a medication that blocks the opioid “high” while still working on the same opioid receptors in the brain. 

This approach prevents you from experiencing disruptive physical withdrawal symptoms so you can focus on healing. Dr. Avila may recommend psychological counseling, attending a support group, or other methods of supporting your recovery. 

If you’re struggling with opioid use, Anibal Avila M.D. is an accepting, supportive, and sympathetic place to get the care you need. Book an appointment online or call the office for help today.